Slow down, tune inwards. Journey through your inner spaces and evolve on the cellular level.


Exploratory and sensory rich, your tissues will love the foam roller!


Sundays 9:00am · View class schedule

YINtegration featuring Terri Poch is a culmination of a lifetime passion for the human experience in movement and the concepts of Rolfing. It’s so much more than a yin class, it’s YINtegration. This highly-active class is accessible to all levels and offers the opportunity to understand what lengthens and contracts the tissues of the body. If you can’t feel it, you can’t heal it. This class presents a moment to self-assess your body and recognize feelings of discomfort, tingling and pain. Are you ready to take sovereignty over your own body? It’s time to unlock your potential, rejuvenate, and reset.

Late cancel charge $20.00 less than 3 hours before class.


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Unlimited yoga